Busy busy busy! my blog is so out of date I forgot to post about this holiday, and I'm off to Tunisia this weekend as well...anyway:
Last month we went to Centre Parks in Nottingham thanks to the lovely people at the Willow foundation. I did feel guilty because there is no way I am as ill as a lot of people who are granted their special day; but as my CF social worker said, I am fast approaching my 40th birthday, and after that I am no longer eligable, so it was a case of now or never this year really. I also thought I should give my kids a nice holiday just in case the shit hits the fan (whether through cf or work or whatever), and I'm not able to give them a decent holiday for a while. We had a great time, especially the kids, centre parks is taylor made for familes really, with lots of stuff for the kids to do. Seriously, I don't think they've slept so well be